Dragon Ball Super Episode 103, 104 and 105 titles, episode summaries and episode dates are revealed, as well as some major spoilers.
Warning: Dragon Ball Super Episode 103, 104, 105 Spoilers Ahead

Things are getting very interesting in Dragon Ball Super anime, DBS episode 103 will be mainly focusing on Gohan as episode 103 is titled “Gohan be Ruthless! The Showdown with Universe 10”. Gohan will be challenging Universe 6’s Botamo as well as Universe 10’s warriors to battle. Dragon Ball Super episode 103 will be airing in Japan and online on August 13, 2017 on Sunday. (translations by KenXyro)
Dragon Ball Super Episode 103 Short Summary
Gohan lands barrage of punches on Universe 6’s Botamo but the punches have no effect on Botamo, later Gohan uses Kamehameha to throw Botamo out of the fighting stage and battles Universe 10’s Obni.

Moving onto Dragon Ball Super episode 104, DBS episode 104 is titled “A Faster-Than-Light Battle Begins! Goku ad Hit’s Joint Front!!”. Where Goku from Universe 7 and Hit from Universe 6 will battle Dyspo from Universe 11. Dragon Ball Super episode 104 will be airing in Japan and online on August 20, 2017 on Sunday.

Dragon Ball Super Episode 104 Short Summary
Battle between Dyspo of Pride Toopers from Universe 11 and Hit of Universe 6 begins in DBS Episode 104, Hit’s movements are blocked because of Light Bullets, and battle is looking very one side for Dyspo as he easily overpowers Hit, but Goku who was watching this happen, turns into Super Saiyan God, stands before Dyspo and says “My Body is Throbbing”.

That’s all we have for DBS episode 103 and 104, now moving onto Dragon Ball Super episode 105. DBS episode 105 is titled “Fierce Battle! Master Roshi’s Burning Spirit!!”. Dragon Ball Super episode 105 will be airing in Japan and online on August 27, 2017 on Sunday. There’s no summary for episode 105.

Dragon Ball Super episode 106 will be airing in Japan and online on September 3, 2017 on Sunday. Title and summary for DBS episode 106 is still undecided and there will be no episode on September 10, 2017. We will make a post right here on OtakuAni as soon as we have any information on upcoming Dragon Ball Super episodes.
Dragon Ball Super officially streams every week and their English subbed episodes are widely available on Daisuki, Funimation, Crunchyroll, and AnimeLab. Some of the legal anime provider offers legal anime for free. The airing time is affected by time zones and slightly varies per geographical locations.
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